
Anatomy of a Smear Campaign: Karl Keating and Mark Shea

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I think it has become painfully obvious that Karl Keating, Mark Shea, and David Palm have become pathologically obsessed and deathly afraid of our movie, The Principle. In all my years as a Catholic, I’ve never seen such malicious vitriol. It usually comes from atheists and agnostics, but it’s sad to see it coming from people who wave the Christian banner. They actually think they are being good Christians by smearing other Christians who have an alternative interpretation of cosmological science (an interpretation that actually backs up the consensus of the Fathers and the two popes who condemned Galileo. Imagine that). Apparently we’ve hit a raw nerve.

Keating, Shea and Palm believe that any rejection of the popular interpretations of modern science (e.g., Big Bang, evolution, Copernicanism) simply makes the Catholic Church look bad in a modern society that has done a good job of removing itself from anything that has the marks of Catholic traditional teaching.

Since modernist Catholics now live in the age of ecumenism where everyone shakes hands and slaps each other on the back no matter how diverse their respective beliefs, it is simply passé to Keating, Shea and Palm that a Catholic should still be militant against something as popular as modern cosmology. After all, we all talk on cell phones and fly in jets, don’t we? What could be wrong with modern science? In fact, one could argue that the inventions of modern science make it much easier for the Catholic Church to communicate the Gospel to the world. What pope previous to our day could have envisioned that Catholic doctrine would be spread to the whole world over the Internet?

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