
I couldn't have done better for Geocentrism than Karl Keating did on Catholic Answers Live!

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Mr. Keating couldn't be more wrong. At best, his argument shows that he has entirely missed the message of geocentrism. At worst, it shows that Keating has deliberately distorted the geocentrist’s message so that he can make it appear delusional. Similar to political questionnaires that frame questions in a specific manner to get the desired answer from the interviewee, Keating has done a similar thing with the “centrality” issue. He tactfully reversed the issues in order to make it appear as if geocentrists look at the world and themselves with a kind of narcissistic navel‐gazing. The truth is quite different, however. Geocentrists do not hold that if man wasn't in the center of the universe he would be unimportant. That would be like saying that if a father is not at home but is away on a business trip, his importance as a father is lessened. No, he is important to his family no matter what place he resides.